◇お知らせ(2024/7/13更新)◇2024年蔵元を囲む会[写真]2024年8月4日 天明七夕の宵 福島県 曙酒造
[終了]2024年8月2日 而今 大西唯克社長と共に
[終了]20240614 山形県 木酒造 ご参加ありがとうございました。
◇NOTICE◇ Dear valued guests,Thank you for considering KushiKoma as your dining destination. We are truly honored and excited to serve you. Please kindly note that we do not accept reservations through web services such as AutoReserve. For reservations, we warmly welcome you to visit us in-person at the restaurant or to give us a call. In addition, we would like to kindly inform you that we are able to assist and communicate exclusively in Japanese. If you are a visitor to Japan and do not speak Japanese, we respectfully ask for your understanding and cooperation in making your reservation. Please consider seeking the assistance of someone who speaks Japanese, such as the concierge at your hotel, to make the telephone reservation on your behalf. Your understanding and cooperation are deeply appreciated. We eagerly await the opportunity to offer you an unforgettable dining experience. Warm regards, The KushiKoma Team ◇お知らせ(2021/10/29)◇10月25日から営業時間を変更しております。
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◇ 串駒のお皿や徳利 ◇
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since 2003.3.17